Monday 28 July 2014

Prepackaged & Customized Middle Eastern Business Executives Lists | Thomson Data

Buy Prepackaged & Customized Middle Eastern Business Executives Lists, Middle Eastern Presidents Lists, Middle Eastern Vice Presidents Lists and Business Mailing Lists By SIC Code That Let You Reach Targeted Markets In The Middle East Countries!

The economies of the Middle East are as diverse as they are unequal. Most Middle Eastern countries are known for their tremendous oil output and there exists a significant gap between the development of countries that do not possess large petroleum reserves and those who do.

However, many Middle Eastern States have taken measures to diversify and expand their economies, becoming less reliant on petroleum as source of national income. Many regional currencies enjoy high exchange rates and cities are usually well-appointed and infrastructural sound.

Since the 1930's, American companies have been investing in Middle Eastern assets and there exists a huge demand for American products and services within these countries. Several nations, the UAE in particular, are in the process of negotiating a free trade agreement with the US. Such a pact could only lead to greater investment percentages in the region as American and Arab businesses move to strengthen ties of economic cooperation.
For all your Middle Eastern marketing needs, contact Thomson Data today!
Call us today at: 1-800-385-8221
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